Here you will find all the important questions and answers about the Scholarship Programme for a World at a glance. If you have general questions about studying in Austria, residence permits, language acquisition and job search, please send an email to the Student Affairs Office. If we can't help you, we usually know who else you can contact.

No. We are a scholarship-awarding organisation. We do not offer any degree programmes ourselves. Applicants for a One World Scholarship must apply for admission to a university or university of applied sciences themselves.

All public universities and universities of applied sciences in the provinces of Salzburg and Tyrol. These are: Uni Salzburg, FH Salzburg, Uni Innsbruck, MCI Innsbruck, FH Kufstein, MedUni Innsbruck.

We are guided by the OECD DAC list as well as the continental classification by the Austrian government. Currently, these include the following countries:

Afghanistan; Algeria; Angola; Anguilla; Equatorial Guinea; Argentina; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Congo; Egypt; Ethiopia; Bangladesh; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Botswana; Brazil; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cabo Verde; China; Cook Islands; Costa Rica; Cote d'Ivoire; Dominica; Cambodia; Cameroon; Dominican Republic; Djibouti; Ecuador; El Salvador; Eritrea; Eswatini; Fiji; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Iran; Jamaica; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kyrgyzstan; Yemen; Kiribati; Colombia; Comoros; Congo - Democratic Republic; Korea - Republic; Cuba; Lao - Democratic People's Republic; Lesotho; Lebanon; Liberia; Libya; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Morocco; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Micronesia - Federated States of; Mongolia; Montserrat; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Niue; Pakistan; Palau; Palestine; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Rwanda; Solomon Islands; Zambia; Samoa; Sao Tome and Principe; Senegal; Sierra Leone; Zimbabwe; Somalia; Sri Lanka; St. Helena; St. Kitts and Nevis; St. Lucia; St. Vincent and the Grenadines; South Africa; Sudan; South Sudan; Suriname; Syria - Arab Republic; Tajikistan; Tanzania - United Republic; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Togo; Tokelau; Tonga; Chad; Tunisia; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; Uganda; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Viet Nam; Wallis and Futuna; Central African Republic.

No. Admission to a Master's or PhD program in Salzburg or Tyrol must absolutely be given.

There are many different joint degree programmes. Please contact us in advance to find out whether the programme is eligible. In any case, funding is only provided for the period of study in Austria.

Applications are usually accepted once a year from the beginning of June to the mid of July. Please visit our website regularly or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn to receive up-to-date information about the call for applications.

The decision if you are admitted to the scholarship programme or not will be made in mid-August. You will be informed immediately in any case.

Scholarship holders must arrange their own accommodation and social security. These costs are not covered. In addition to the monthly scholarship instalments, the costs for participation in study-related education are covered. Furthermore, it is possible to apply for additional support for study-related expenses (e.g. conference attendance, compulsory excursions, software purchases).

Currently, tuition fees are waived for scholarship holders at the following universities and universities of applied sciences: University of Salzburg, University of Innsbruck, FH Salzburg, MCI Innsbruck (significantly reduced).

Scholarship contracts are concluded for a maximum of one academic year. If the requirements continue to be met and positive progress is made in the studies, the scholarship contract will be extended. The maximum funding period corresponds to the standard period of study + one tolerance semester.

Educational opportunities complementary to studies are an integral part of the scholarship programme and largely obligatory for scholarship holders. Study accompanying education offers students a platform for exchanging experiences and practical assistance in coping with their studies. It offers students a platform for exchanging experiences, practical assistance in coping with their studies, support in integrating into the student and social environment at the place of study, opportunities to discuss global development and socio-political issues, and support for a successful career start. Workshops, seminars, excursions and personal counselling serve this purpose. The basis of the offers are our decades of experience, the participation of students and the promotion of innovative ideas. The events are planned and carried out together with students.


As a rule, the requirement for our scholarship program is a student visa or residence permit "Studierende(r)".
In case you have not received neither of them, we encourage you to get in touch with us to clarify any open questions.

In order to be considered for scholarship support, there are certain general requirements that need to be met. The following aspects are typically taken into consideration:

  • Citizenship of a country in the Global South. 
  • Admission to a regular master's or doctoral program at a public university or university of applied sciences in the provinces of Salzburg and Tirol (Uni Salzburg, Uni Innsbruck, FH Salzburg, MCI, FH Kufstein)
  • For Joint-Master possible only in consultation (no guarantee)
  • For doctoral students: Confirmation of supervision
  • Maximum age at application: for Master programs 30 years (mothers 35 years), for PhD programs 35 years (mothers 40 years)
  • Residence permit or student visa "Studierende(r)" (important: Contact us if not already obtained)

⇒Submission of the online form
(formal criteria will be checked)

⇒ Prompt submission of documents via WeTransfer ( ideally having them already prepared).
(thematic relevance to sustainability and global equity will be reviewed)

⇒ Online interview
(selection session)

⇒ Acceptance / Rejection

Prospective awardees are expected to show a strong interest in development related issues, which is supposed to be reflected in the choice of study fields, prior work experience, voluntary activities etc. In this context, our understanding of "development" does not draw from Eurocentric, modernist ideas that see Western societies as norm for African, Asian or Latin American societies. Rather, we are aware of post- and neo-colonial responsibilities and thus see in development related interests the claims to - by including Southern perspectives - contribute to more global justice as well as ecological, social and economic sustainability.
Possible fields of specialisation are poverty reduction, social justice, global migrations, gender equality, climate change, sustainable use of resources, food security, renewable energies, environmental protection, sustainable tourism, urbanisation, health, human rights, democratisation, good governance, fighting corruption, conflict prevention and resolution, international relations, intercultural dialogue. This list should provide applicants with an idea of relevant topics, it is, however, not exclusive.

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