We say goodbye - Dr Josef Erbler

Our dear Joe, former managing director of the Afro-Asian Institute and long-time employee of the Catholic University Community Salzburg, left us unexpectedly on 4 October 2024.

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   teaser =>protected'<p>Our dear Joe, former managing director of the Afro-Asian Institute and lo
      ng-time employee of the Catholic University Community Salzburg, left us unex
      pectedly on 4 October 2024.</p>
' (183 chars) bodytext =>protected'<p>Joe and his colleagues launched the AAI with great joy and energy. As Dir
      ector, he led the institute through good and sometimes turbulent times for o
      ver 20 years. Even after his retirement, he remained closely connected to th
      e institute and its people. Exchange and dialogue with other cultures and re
      ligions were a matter close to his heart. Students found a second home in th
      e St. Josef intercultural hall of residence and in Joe they found a listener
       and supporter for their concerns.</p> <p>He travelled a lot and cultivated
       his worldwide network. He played a key role in shaping and moulding interna
      tional cooperation and the corresponding information and educational work in
       Salzburg. He devoted himself to his favourite topics with great dedication,
       without closing his eyes to the challenges that came with them. We will mis
      s him.</p> <p><br /> With gratitude</p> <p>Current and former employees, m
      embers of the Board of Trustees, colleagues, scholarship holders and allumni
      </p> <p><a href="t3://file?uid=294376" target="_blank">Obituary Joe Erbler<
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Josef Erbler, 2023 (c) AAI

Josef Erbler, 2023 (c) AAI

Joe and his colleagues launched the AAI with great joy and energy. As Director, he led the institute through good and sometimes turbulent times for over 20 years. Even after his retirement, he remained closely connected to the institute and its people. Exchange and dialogue with other cultures and religions were a matter close to his heart. Students found a second home in the St. Josef intercultural hall of residence and in Joe they found a listener and supporter for their concerns.

He travelled a lot and cultivated his worldwide network. He played a key role in shaping and moulding international cooperation and the corresponding information and educational work in Salzburg. He devoted himself to his favourite topics with great dedication, without closing his eyes to the challenges that came with them. We will miss him.

With gratitude

Current and former employees, members of the Board of Trustees, colleagues, scholarship holders and allumni

Obituary Joe Erbler


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