WE* against the right - campaign

Make resistance and worries against the shift to the right visible together!

GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\NewsDefaultprototypepersistent entity (uid=22710, pid=22303)crdate =>protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2024-08-05T12:54:24+02:00, 1722855264)tstamp =>protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2024-09-27T09:12:00+02:00, 1727421120)sysLanguageUid =>protected1 (integer)
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   teaser =>protected'<p>Make resistance and worries against the shift to the right visible togeth
' (83 chars) bodytext =>protected'<p>Maybe you already know about the "<a href="https://wir-gegen-rechts.at/"
      target="_blank">WIR* gegen rechts</a>" initiative? Anyone can join in! A gro
      up of people who are worried about the massive shift to the right have come
      together to do something AGAINST it. The people behind " WE*" are also FOR m
      any things. For solidarity-based relationships, equal rights for all, decisi
      on-making power for those affected, among other things.</p> <p>But - with t
      he knowledge that we all have different backgrounds and opinions and do not
      always agree, one thing is clear: we must stand together against the right.
      We want to do something! Now is the time. Join in and make it visible in pub
      lic spaces that the resistance against right-wing ideas is strong.</p> <p>"
      <a href="https://wir-gegen-rechts.at/" target="_blank">WIR* gegen rechts</a>
      " has many ideas how to engage against the rights. Have a look on it's homep
      age.</p> <p>Spread the word!</p> <p>The campaign needs your support: no ma
      tter if 10,- or 20,- or 200,- your <a href="https://www.gofundme.com/f/wir-g
      r&amp;utm_source=copy_link" target="_blank">donation against the right</a>,
      helps! Short of cash? Then spread the word - that helps too!</p>
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[Translate to En:] Wir gegen rechts Sujet

[Translate to En:] Wir gegen rechts sujet

Maybe you already know about the "WIR* gegen rechts" initiative? Anyone can join in! A group of people who are worried about the massive shift to the right have come together to do something AGAINST it. The people behind " WE*" are also FOR many things. For solidarity-based relationships, equal rights for all, decision-making power for those affected, among other things.

But - with the knowledge that we all have different backgrounds and opinions and do not always agree, one thing is clear: we must stand together against the right. We want to do something! Now is the time. Join in and make it visible in public spaces that the resistance against right-wing ideas is strong.

"WIR* gegen rechts" has many ideas how to engage against the rights. Have a look on it's homepage.

Spread the word!

The campaign needs your support: no matter if 10,- or 20,- or 200,- your donation against the right, helps! Short of cash? Then spread the word - that helps too!

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