No Other Land

Film Introduction and Discussion

Date: Thursday, 13th March 2025, 7.30 PM

GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\NewsDefaultprototypepersistent entity (uid=23648, pid=22303)crdate =>protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2025-03-03T10:04:19+01:00, 1740992659)tstamp =>protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2025-03-03T10:06:50+01:00, 1740992810)sysLanguageUid =>protected1 (integer)
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   teaser =>protected'<p><strong>Film Introduction and Discussion</strong></p>
      bsp;</strong>Thursday, 13th March 2025, 7.30 PM</p>
' (127 chars) bodytext =>protected'<p>No Other Land is a powerful documentary that captures the reality of life
       in a state of war and delves deep into the ongoing conflict in the West Ban
      k. Young Palestinian journalist Basel teams up with his Israeli colleague Yu
      val to document a drama that has been unfolding for over 20 years in Masafer
       Yatta, a region in the far south of the West Bank: the attempted eradicatio
      n of Palestinian villages by the Israeli army and the villagers’ persisten
      t, nonviolent resistance. After the film, we invite you to join a discussion
       with participants from peace initiatives. The film was awarded "Best Docume
      ntary" at the 2024 Berlinale.</p> <p><strong>Date:&nbsp;</strong>Thursday,
      13. March 2025, 7.30 PM</p> <p><strong>Location:</strong>&nbsp;DAS KINO, Gi
      selakai 11, 5020 Salzburg</p> <p><strong>Film Introduction: </strong>Georg
      Moderation:</strong> Barbara Sieberth, Friedensbüro Salzburg<br /> <strong>
      Language:</strong> Arabic, Hebrew, and English with German subtitles</p> <p
      ><strong>Tickets:&nbsp;</strong>+43 662 87 31 00 15 or&nbsp;https://daskino.
      at/</p> <p><strong>In cooperation with:</strong>&nbsp;DAS KINO, Platform fo
      r Human Rights, and Friedensbüro Salzburg.</p> <p class="Paragraph SCXW159
      929611 BCX2"><strong>An event as part of the 2nd Austria-wide Anti-Racism Da
      ys </strong></p>
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no-other-land © Polyfilm

No Other Land is a powerful documentary that captures the reality of life in a state of war and delves deep into the ongoing conflict in the West Bank. Young Palestinian journalist Basel teams up with his Israeli colleague Yuval to document a drama that has been unfolding for over 20 years in Masafer Yatta, a region in the far south of the West Bank: the attempted eradication of Palestinian villages by the Israeli army and the villagers’ persistent, nonviolent resistance. After the film, we invite you to join a discussion with participants from peace initiatives. The film was awarded "Best Documentary" at the 2024 Berlinale.

Date: Thursday, 13. March 2025, 7.30 PM

Location: DAS KINO, Giselakai 11, 5020 Salzburg

Film Introduction: Georg Haigermoser

Panel Discussion: Ruth Katz (Vienna) – Member of One State - Standing Together Vienna; Rudolf Rogg (Uhldingen) – Member of the Middle East Commission, Pax Christi Germany

Moderation: Barbara Sieberth, Friedensbüro Salzburg
Language: Arabic, Hebrew, and English with German subtitles

Tickets: +43 662 87 31 00 15 or

In cooperation with: DAS KINO, Platform for Human Rights, and Friedensbüro Salzburg.

An event as part of the 2nd Austria-wide Anti-Racism Days

EDS Logo

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