KOO - Development policy umbrella organisation calls for adherence to multilateral commitments and intensification of international cooperation

Statement by the plenary assembly of the KOO interest group on the government negotiations

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' (143 chars) alternativeTitle =>protected'' (0 chars) teaser =>protected'<p>Statement by the plenary assembly of the <a href="https://www.koo.at/tran
      slation">KOO interest group</a> on the government negotiations</p>
' (142 chars) bodytext =>protected'<p>In the light of the National Council election results, we, the Catholic o
      rganisations and aid agencies for international development cooperation, are
       convinced that only a policy that is oriented towards the world is sustaina
      ble. Click here for<a href="https://www.koo.at/aktuelles/150330/entwicklungs
      nd-intensivierung-der-internationalen-kooperation-ein"> </a><a href="https:/
      en-kooperation-ein">the statement</a> (available in German)</p>
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In the light of the National Council election results, we, the Catholic organisations and aid agencies for international development cooperation, are convinced that only a policy that is oriented towards the world is sustainable. Click here forthe statement (available in German)

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