Rhythm and Joy
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Friday, January 24, 2025, 5 to 7:30 pm.</p>' (119 chars)
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ng workshop with the musician Sally Goldenboy. Step by step you will learn t
he basics for drumming together. It promotes team spirit and togetherness an
d trains coordination and concentration. It can release energies and bring h
<p><strong>Date:</strong> Friday, January 24, 2025. From 5 to
7:30 pm, beginners start at 5 pm and intermediates join at 5:30 pm. The dje
mbe classes do not explicitly build on one another and can therefore be visi
ted individually.<br /> <strong>Venue:</strong> Afro-Asian Institute, study
room (2<sup>nd</sup> floor)<br /> <strong>Instructor:</strong> Sally Goldenb
oy (Salzburg/Ghana)<br /> <strong>Course fee:</strong> 20 Euro / 10 Euros fo
r students or HOSI members per date - borrowing drums (each for 5 Euros) is
<p><strong>Registration: </strong>Please sign up at office@a
ai-salzburg.at or +43 662/841413 13</p>
<p>An Event by the Afro-Asian Insti
tute in Cooperation with Sorinatu</p>' (1025 chars)
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Experience African attitudes to life and pure vitality during this drumming workshop with the musician Sally Goldenboy. Step by step you will learn the basics for drumming together. It promotes team spirit and togetherness and trains coordination and concentration. It can release energies and bring happiness.
Date: Friday, January 24, 2025. From 5 to 7:30 pm, beginners start at 5 pm and intermediates join at 5:30 pm. The djembe classes do not explicitly build on one another and can therefore be visited individually.
Venue: Afro-Asian Institute, study room (2nd floor)
Instructor: Sally Goldenboy (Salzburg/Ghana)
Course fee: 20 Euro / 10 Euros for students or HOSI members per date - borrowing drums (each for 5 Euros) is possible
Registration: Please sign up at office@aai-salzburg.at or +43 662/841413 13
An Event by the Afro-Asian Institute in Cooperation with Sorinatu