Impressively delicious: Nasi Bungkus and politics

World Dinner Indonesia

Date: Thu, 23 January 2025, 6 pm

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   teaser =>protected'<p><strong>World Dinner Indonesia</strong></p>
<p>Date: Thu, 23 January 202
      5, 6 pm</p>
' (87 chars) bodytext =>protected'<p>POSTPONED TO JAN 23! Nasi Bungkus (wrapped take away rice) is a very popu
      lar dish in Indonesia. It usually consists of rice and side dishes and is wr
      apped in a banana leaf and wax paper.</p> <p>In the political context of th
      e country, however, nasi bungkus has also become a conflicting plaything bet
      ween parties in power and civil society counter-movements. At this world din
      ner, we find out how this came about, how nasi bungkus is prepared and how d
      elicious the popular take-away rice tastes. Rupi Mehr and Kuni Ulya will gui
      de us through this moving evening and invite us to cook and talk together.</
      p> <p><strong>Date</strong>: Thursday, 23 January 2025, 6-10 pm</p> <p><st
      rong>Location</strong>: Afro-Asian Institute, seminar room (please note the
      notice at the entrance!)</p> <p>Contribution towards expenses: Pay as you f
      eel (minimum contribution 3€)</p> <p>Cooks of the evening: Rupi Mehr and
      Kuni Ulya (both Indonesia/Salzburg)</p> <p><strong>Language: </strong>Germa
      n and English.</p> <p><strong>Registration required</strong>: 0662/84141313
      ,</p> <p><strong>In cooperation with</strong>: Catho
      lic University Community</p> <p><strong>Focus</strong>: Anti/Corruption</p>
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POSTPONED TO JAN 23! Nasi Bungkus (wrapped take away rice) is a very popular dish in Indonesia. It usually consists of rice and side dishes and is wrapped in a banana leaf and wax paper.

In the political context of the country, however, nasi bungkus has also become a conflicting plaything between parties in power and civil society counter-movements. At this world dinner, we find out how this came about, how nasi bungkus is prepared and how delicious the popular take-away rice tastes. Rupi Mehr and Kuni Ulya will guide us through this moving evening and invite us to cook and talk together.

Date: Thursday, 23 January 2025, 6-10 pm

Location: Afro-Asian Institute, seminar room (please note the notice at the entrance!)

Contribution towards expenses: Pay as you feel (minimum contribution 3€)

Cooks of the evening: Rupi Mehr and Kuni Ulya (both Indonesia/Salzburg)

Language: German and English.

Registration required: 0662/84141313,

In cooperation with: Catholic University Community

Focus: Anti/Corruption

EDS Logo

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