Encounters in Lambaréné

Exposition with Works by Wilhelm Kaufmann on the 150th birthday of Albert Schweitzer

14.-31. January 2025

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   teaser =>protected'<p><strong>Exposition with Works by Wilhelm Kaufmann on the 150th birthday o
      f Albert Schweitzer</strong></p> <p>14.-31. January 2025</p>
' (137 chars) bodytext =>protected'<p>In 1963, Salzburg painter Wilhelm Kaufmann and his partner Lotte Gerhold
      travelled to the Schweitzer Hospital in Lambaréné. During these and other
      stays in 1964 and 1967, Kaufmann created masterful depictions of Albert Schw
      eitzer and the people of Gabon.</p> <p>Selected works will be on display in
       the exhibition ‘Encounters in Lambaréné’, which will open with a vern
      issage on 14 January 2025 - the 150th anniversary of Albert Schweitzer's bir
      th.</p> <p>Hans Holzinger, Senior Advisor of the Robert Jungk Library for F
      uture Studies, will give a short introductory lecture on Robert Jungk's 1955
       biography of Schweitzer. In his criticism of the belief in scientific and t
      echnological progress, Robert Jungk was strongly influenced by the thinking
      of Albert Schweitzer.</p> <p>The exhibition ‘Encounters in Lambaréné’
       can be seen until 31 January 2025.</p> <p><strong>Exposition's duration</s
      trong>: 14.-31. January 2025</p> <p><strong>Opening hourse:</strong> Mon-Fr
       10-16 o'clock</p> <p><strong>Venue</strong>: Afro-Asian Institute (ground
      floor),Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg</p> <p><strong>Language
      : </strong>German</p> <p><strong>In cooperation with</strong>: afrika.info,
       Salzburg Peace Office, Robert Jungk Library for Future Studies, Salzburg-Si
      ngida City Partnership, Catholic University Community</p>
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In 1963, Salzburg painter Wilhelm Kaufmann and his partner Lotte Gerhold travelled to the Schweitzer Hospital in Lambaréné. During these and other stays in 1964 and 1967, Kaufmann created masterful depictions of Albert Schweitzer and the people of Gabon.

Selected works will be on display in the exhibition ‘Encounters in Lambaréné’, which will open with a vernissage on 14 January 2025 - the 150th anniversary of Albert Schweitzer's birth.

Hans Holzinger, Senior Advisor of the Robert Jungk Library for Future Studies, will give a short introductory lecture on Robert Jungk's 1955 biography of Schweitzer. In his criticism of the belief in scientific and technological progress, Robert Jungk was strongly influenced by the thinking of Albert Schweitzer.

The exhibition ‘Encounters in Lambaréné’ can be seen until 31 January 2025.

Exposition's duration: 14.-31. January 2025

Opening hourse: Mon-Fr 10-16 o'clock

Venue: Afro-Asian Institute (ground floor),Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg

Language: German

In cooperation with: afrika.info, Salzburg Peace Office, Robert Jungk Library for Future Studies, Salzburg-Singida City Partnership, Catholic University Community

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